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Report a Problem
*After clicking ‘Submit’, a Request Number will appear at the top of the form. Please keep this number for your records. You will also receive an email confirmation.
Choose your problem type or issue:
Roads, sidewalks, and bridges
Sanitary Sewer
Urban Stormwater and Drainage
Drinking Water / Water Mains
Property Standards
Signs and Traffic Signals
Streetlights, Powerlines and Overhead Utilities
Parks, Splashpads, and Harbour/Beach
General Parking Issue
Hazard Trees and Branches
Private Property Damage
Essex Streetscape Project
Roadway Construction Issues
General Noise Complaints
Vandalism at Town Facilities
Short Term Rentals (Noise, Parking, Licensing etc)
Long Grass/Weeds (property standards)
Rural Drainage (Municipal Drains)
Building Construction Issues
Snow/Ice on Sidewalk (property standards)
Would you like to provide an image of the issue?
All contact information must be accurate and filled out completely. Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Your Address:
Your Phone Number (If you prefer we contact you by telephone, please enter a phone number where we can reach you during the day)
Email Address:
Where is the problem located (nearest address or intersection)?
Further location details:
Please provide as much detail as you can about your request: