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Below is the form to complete to report an issue/concern. Please complete with as much information as possible.
Choose your problem type or issue:
Private properties with overgrown grass/weeds
Junk and Debris on property
General Property Standard Issues
Dead or damaged trees
Zoning Inquiries
Tree- Fallen or Branches on municipal property
General park maintenance / issue
Tree pruning request
Tree removal request
Roadkill on road or shoulder
Sidewalk Issue (not winter)
General Road Maintenance - ROW
Streetlight repairs
Debris on road
Pothole reporting (need location and size)
Sign Missing (Very important if a stop sign)
Garbage/Recycling/Yard Waste
Other Issue
Would you like to provide an image of the issue?
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Your Address (E.g. 123 Main St):
Your Phone Number (If you prefer we contact you by telephone, please enter a phone number where we can reach you during the day)
Email Address:
Where is the issue located (nearest address or intersection)?
Please provide as much detail as you can about your request.: